Welcome to the 2002 - 2003 Ski HAUS!

Last updated March 29th 2003 23:43pm  EST

Actually it was partially updated on November 23rd 2004 11:47 EST as part of the website overhaul. Anything which was taken down/off this seasons site (2002-2003) was moved to a different area to make it more efficient.

Well this is probably the last update of the season. I didn't get to meet everyone so unfortunately not everyone's got a page for them. It was a great year and quite a bit of fun, although it was sometime painful. At any rate it's been real so....kick back, relax and maybe I'll catch everyone next year.

Well, welcome to the 2002-2003 Ski house. Take a look around and see what's been going on. Any comments both good and bad should be delivered to me personally. Anything you want added or removed...just ask.

P.S. Don't ask Mandy about the flies...She'll just roll her eyes at you. We're not supposed to ask about the flies.


***Alert...Alert.... Conrad has not one, not two, but THREE "dirty little monkey" stories.***


The Cast of Characters     (Constantly being updated)  

Misc. Pictures     

For Non Skiers         For Bad Skiers                               

If you want to comment on this please email me
